Headaches, neck pain, back pain, sleep disorders, and multiple sclerosis. As the founder and a top neurologist at a major neurology center, I have seen a lot of tough cases of each of these conditions. They’re complex and disruptive to your quality of life. But, what most don’t realize is that they can all be connected. In this guide, I dissect each of these neurological conditions and show you how the symptoms you’re experiencing may all be related.
- Over 8 Hours of video instruction, that can be watched and rewatched in any order and at your own pace
- In-depth explanation of the most common problems in outpatient neurology: headaches, neck and back pain, sleep disorders, and multiple sclerosis
- Breakdown of current research that shows the interconnectedness of neurological disorders
- Direction on how to understand your symptoms to take control of your health
- Examination of the complex testing involved with each one of these problems and tips on how to get the most cost effective treatment and testing
- Additional resources to help you continue on your journey towards improving your quality of life
- And it’s all free!
Ready to Take Control of Your Health?